The Zen Center of Orange County is a not for profit organization and donations are tax deductible (under 501-c-3).
The Zen Center is supported entirely by participants and donations.
- We appreciate a one-time gift or your pledge of a monthly donation.
- We also receive matching contributions from employers.
- You may also make a donation in memory of a deceased loved one, or in honor of a special person or occasion.
To make a one time donation, click the first button. You will then have the option to key in the amount you wish to donate.
Moon Blossoms: Reflections on the Spiritual Path by Virgie Luchsinger
Your donation to defray the Zen Center expenses for publishing and mailing the book is appreciated.
A suggested donation of $30.00 will cover the cost of one book plus first class mailing to locations in the U.S. in a bubble-protected envelope.
If the book is a gift, after making your donation, please send the Zen Center an email at with the name and address where you want it sent. We will enclose a note that the book is a gift from you.
If you would like to order a quantity of books, the cost is $23 per book. The postage for medium flat rate box is $17.10 or $22.80 for large.
If you pick up books at the Zen Center, the suggested donation is $23.00 each.
You may also order by mail: send us us a note with the shipping address and enclose your check.
Please use the One Time Donation button below and key in the amount. You may use credit card, debit card or PayPal.
You will receive an email confirmation from Pay Pal (which the Zen Center also receives).
Please understand it will take us a few days to fill your order.
Click one of the buttons below to make an ongoing monthly donation: